Tuesday, May 29, 2018


On monday,  I went for a funeral service that made me think about my life. At the end of the service, a lot of questions were ringing in my mind.

Why are we here on earth? What is your purpose? Why did God bring you in His own likeness? Why were you born into the family you are in?
God has a reason for why you go through this life's journey. 
It is not a mistake that we meet different people every passing day. God has sent each and every one of us to this world in order to make a positive impact on everyone we come across. 

As I listened to the biography of a dear pastor, I only heard of the impacts he has made throughout his lifetime. Wherever you find yourself today, know that one day you will exit this world, and the only story you will be remembered for is that of the impact you made.

What do you want people to say about you? How you brought them to christ or pushed them away from Jesus. You are created for a reason and chosen for a season.  No one has his time in his hands.  

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