Thursday, April 11, 2019


If you have never been a blessing to someone, please start now to be.
It must not be in cash. We have so many people in our circle and around us that needs to be blessed with the words we speak and what we Do.

There's so much in you others need  to hear  and keep the faith, to have courage to move on, start up a business. You might just be the reason they will smile again.
If you have never been a blessing to someone, start now!
It must not be in cash. We have so many people in our circle that needs to be blessed with the words we speak, what we Do.
BE a blessing to someone today. 
I was just thinking about the long break i gave myself in my blog. It wasn't a deliberate act though, but sometimes one needs to sit and think over again. (we are humans and we all have challenges)
Yes, I'm back for the better now. I've gained more knowledge, i have had experiences that has taught me good lessons.
Let your words bless, Let your smile heal a depressed soul. Let us lift one another up.
Life is deeper than what we see. If you have never been a blessing, start now.
God bless you.