Friday, April 6, 2018

The Dangers of two voices

Many people are confused today, because their minds are not focused on God. They don’t know how to follow the voice of God; we a lot of times mistake the voice of man for the voice of God. People profess to hear the voice of God all the time. Some would say “God said this” and then “God changed his mind”. It’s been heard from a number of people. That must mean they didn’t hear him very well.

We hear voices; sometimes voices of confusion. Sometimes you’re trusting God for something, and then you seek other people’s opinion about that thing. Instead of going into the scriptures, you start hearing what people say instead of what God says. A lot of times, many of us believers don’t even open the Bible to hear what God says. Many people are very knowledgeable of the Bible, but to them it’s just a letter. They lack the application.
A lot of times, the voices we hear bring confusion.
John 8:32 says “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” If one hears the voice that’s contrary to freedom, then that is not of God. But a lot of times, one cannot know if their frequency is on the same frequency as God. A lot of times, one cannot align their thoughts with the word of God because of what they want to hear.
Ask yourself, “what is God saying to me?” You shouldn’t live just to follow people. If you’re married, you shouldn’t live for your husband. Even though you need to take care of the things of your husband, it should be as unto the Lord. You need to hear the voice of God in your husband, and you need to train yourself to hear the voice of God in everything. If you hear the voice of God, you’re going to hear stuff you don’t like. God will tell you to do stuff you don’t like.
John 10:27 says “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.” That means if you’ve ever heard the voice of God, you can only bind him one time. If you bind him again, it’s because you don’t want to do what he asks you to do. If you recognize the voice of God in your life, when He speaks to you, you will not bind him again. God will never speak to us outside of his Word.
What is bringing a lot of struggle in the Body of Christ is that many of us are not hearing His voice, and because we’re not hearing His voice we’re not leading right. Many of us lead out of wound. If God is bringing us back to that level, it’s because there’s something that is not right that we need to adjust. Otherwise, God should be excited that we’re leading right in the Kingdom.
When we don’t hear the voice of God, we hear the voice of confusion. When we don’t hear the voice of God, we hear the people’s opinion, and we derail. God is saying that the reason many of us are struggling is because we’re not hearing his voice. We want to hear what we want to hear; sometimes we even use scriptures to justify what we want to hear, and we block out the voice of God.
When we hear the voice of God, we will seek to please God and do his will. When we hear the voice of God, we’ll always seek to live right and lead right. You’re not everybody, you don’t have to live the way others want you to live. Others may not like it, but you just have to live the way God wants you to live.
The voice of the enemy is the voice of rebellion, strife, and contention, and division, which has dominated the Body of Christ today. Many of us talk about love, but we don’t know what love is. We think love is just when we give stuff and in our hearts we feel some way about the people we’re giving it to. We don’t know love, because if we know love, we will not backbite. What I can’t say behind you, I shouldn’t say.

By Pastor Lola

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