Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Gospel Artists: Singing about Christ to a secular world!

How do we preach the gospel to the world?

Lately, I have been really disturbed at the way gospel music is gradually losing its worth in the media.

For the past two years or more, I have not heard about "One Gospel " and "Kingdom Africa". There was a time where we could tune in and watch gospel songs and messages, but one day I tuned in (One Gospel), and it was no longer available. Could it be financial reasons? Kingdom Africa also has been off on DSTV.

If you go to a T.V. station with a gospel song (I'm talking about video) you can hardly get through to air your songs. People prefer listening to secular music now. Check all the salons; MTV is the channel people prefer.

Gospel songs can hardly be heard these days. Does that mean the gospel of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be heard anymore?
A gospel minister now struggles to promote his or her song. Who is holding back this gospel?
How do we push out the message of Christ to the whole world?
Could it be that Christians with the opportunity to promote Jesus Christ do not do so anymore because of money?
There are so many songs not being heard today because people cannot afford to promote them.
So what can be done at this point?

How can we spread the gospel of Jesus to the world???



  1. It's a hard one to talk about. Please I need your take what we can do to help ourselves.

  2. I believe money is one factor, but I also know that, if there is a vision with a passion ,we can do more.
    What are we trying to achieve?
    Who do we intend to reach out to with these songs?
    I ask because a lot of gospel artists go into music solely for popularity and profit.
    If we have the right intent, which should be reaching out to the lost and winning souls, I think we would do better.

  3. It's time for Christians to own media institutions so we can dictate and call the shots. That's the simple solution

  4. It's time for Christians to own media institutions so we can dictate and call the shots. That's the simple solution

  5. The first issue I see is that the average person in the catchment audience of the gospel artiste feels that gospel music should be free and doesn’t see why the artiste should profit off his or her craft. While doing a song with one of my producer friends, I saw a secular video and I asked him how much to do a video like this. He said about $7500. My ears almost popped. Secular artistes do several of these and many gospel artistes cannot even do one unless they have another source of income that is robust. With concerts, if it’s ticketed, secular artistes sell out arenas but our gospel audience won’t show up unless it is free. The truth is that both secular and gospel artists go to the same market to buy equipment and if you can’t finance great equipment and promotion, nobody will put your music on the airwaves. The solution, let’s start supporting our gospel artistes and realize that they have responsibilities and need to make a living and get these gospel songs to go into the world and not just stay in the church.

  6. When God calls a man He works with him go b4 him and makes things smooth even in the means of a storm. Some of our gosple singers are there for profit making seeking their own first b4 God's own when it is written in Matt 6:33 that qe should seek Him first. Whom he called He justified n glorified Rm 8:30.Let us do our own part we are the light of the world when the light starts to allow the darkness of this world to affect it then the light has missed it some where. Let us examine ourselves. Money is not the issue because infact we have a Father who is our supplier. Who are we depending on God or màn
